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الفرق بين العلاج الفيزيائي والعلاج الطبيعي

The difference between physical therapy and physical therapy

Many individuals do not have a clear understanding of the difference between physical therapy and physical therapy, as they initially think that they are similar to each other. With Medca Physical Therapy Solutions website, we will focus on reviewing the function of each and will simply explain to you the difference.

Before we review the difference between them, let us provide you with a simple overview of Medca Physical Therapy Solutions website. If you are looking for the best place for physical therapy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it is the best example of this, as it has a group of the best experts specialized in physical therapy and home physical therapy to provide the best comfortable medical care in the country. Clients’ homes.

The difference between physical therapy and physical therapy
The contrast between physical therapy and physiotherapy is an important topic in health care. The term “physical therapy” is widely used in various countries, as it includes various services and techniques to improve health condition.
On the other hand, the term “physical therapy” is more commonly used in some areas, and generally refers to enhancing mobility and the ability to perform daily activities.
Both physical therapy and physical therapy focus on enhancing movement and improving physical function, using a variety of techniques. This includes heat and cold therapy, massage techniques, the use of electrical stimulation, as well as muscle strengthening exercises.


الفرق بين العلاج الفيزيائي والعلاج الطبيعي

Similarities between physical therapy and occupational therapy

After we have explained the difference between physical therapy and occupational therapy, we are pleased to highlight the points of similarity between them, as each of them is similar in the following:

Focus on promoting public health.
Treating related health problems.
Providing a treatment plan tailored to the patient’s needs.
Possibility of using stretching and stretching exercises within the framework of both treatments.
They are available in healthcare facilities such as clinics, hospitals and nursing homes.
Improve overall performance.
Improve balance.
What does a physical therapist or physical therapist do?

1- Physical Therapist: Occupational therapists work side by side with their patients with the aim of achieving recovery, maintaining and developing life functions to support their success in their daily activities.

An occupational therapist can provide support in a range of scenarios, such as:

Understand how to dress or eat. (Includes physical therapy and occupational therapy)
Learn how to use assistive devices such as a wheelchair.
Training to get in and out of bed or bathtub.

2- Physical Therapist: Physical therapists specialize in understanding and improving the movement of the human body. They work with their patients to achieve some or all of the following goals, depending on each patient’s individual situation:

Reduce pain.
Prevent disability.
Increased mobility.
Avoid losing more movement.
What is the difference between a physical therapist and a doctor of physical therapy?

A doctor who graduates from medical school is known as a rehabilitation, rheumatologist or physical medicine doctor, and this term has been abolished for 17 years. As for a graduate from the Faculty of Physical Therapy, he is called a physical therapist. Currently, there is no official permit for a physical therapy technician who usually obtains his or her degree from the College of Nursing.

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